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Friday, June 24, 2011

From Start to Finish

Today I'm celebrating finishing well. Vacation Bible School officially registered 220 children. I was planning for a registration total of about 160. Finding volunteers is always a challenge. This week over 80 youth and adults made it their mission to serve kids. Our theme was God's Faithfulness, and was He ever! Everywhere I looked at VBS (once I got done making more name tags each day) I saw the evidence of God's faithful hand at work. We often think of VBS as large group controlled chaos. However, some of the sweetest moments are the ones where I witnessed individual "lifeguards" ministering to individual children: A Bible story in the hall when the large group was too overwhelming, hand-in-hand to the office to call home when a 4-year-old his missed mama, carrying a child to the car when an ankle twisted during recreation, and help making a craft project a success no matter how slippery that stretchy string. God was gracious to put me in just the right place at just the right time during the week to capture these tender demonstrations of His love. I'll keep the memories in my heart and hopefully be able to recall them next time I need reassurance of his faithfulness.  God loves children and that was incredibly evident during Beach Blast 2011.
Beach Blast 2011

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